Stupid ExtensionMethod tricks

I have yet to decide whether Extension Methods in C# are a boon or bane. I've already several times, been frustrated by Intellisense not showing me a method that was legal somewhere else, until I could figure out what using statement brought that extension method into scope. On one hand Extension Methods can be used to simplify code, on the other, I see them as the source of much confusion as they become popular.

Worse yet, they have potential for more about than the blink tag, imho.

The one place I see extension methods being instrumental is in defining fluent interfaces, yet another practice I have yet to decide whether I am in favor of or not. Partially, because I don't see them as intrinsically easier to read. Partially because they allow for much syntactic abuse.

So today, I created a fluent interface for an operation that I wish was just support in the language in the first place -- the between operator. It exists in some SQL dialects and is a natural part of so many math equations. I wish I could just write:

if( 0.5 < x < 1.0 )
  // do something

Instead, I'll settle for this:

if( x.Between(0.5).And(1.0) )
  // do something

The first part is easy, it's just an Extension Method on double. And if I just had it take the lower and upper bound, then we would have been done. But this is where the fluent interface bug bites me and I want to say And. This means, that Between can't return a boolean. It needs to return the result of the lower bound test and the value to be tested. That means that Between returns a helper class, which has one method And, which finally returns the boolean value.

public static class DoubleExtensions

  public static BetweenHelper Between(this double v, double lower)
    return new BetweenHelper(v > lower, v);

  public struct BetweenHelper
    public bool passedLower;
    public double v;

    internal BetweenHelper(bool passedLower, double v)
      this.passedLower = passedLower;
      this.v = v;

    public bool And(double upper)
      if (passedLower && v < upper)
        return true;
        return false;

That's a lot of code for a simple operation and it's still questionable whether it really improves readability. But it is a common enough operation if you have a lot of bounds checking, that it might be worth throwing into a common code dll. I've yet to make up my mind, I mostly did it because i wanted to play with the syntax.