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State-aware programming in C#, part II

Having defined the approach for the stateful framework, let's tackle the design goals:

  • Serializable state-aware objects
  • Different logic paths per state on state aware methods
  • State specific methods should be inherited
  • Default and state specific methods
  • Type-safe states

Ideally we would like our code so look something like this:

public class Bot : AStateObject
  public virtual void Touch()
    //default implementation

  virtual state(BotStates.Idle)
    public virtual void Touch()
      // Idle specific implementation

public class GuardBot : Bot
  public override void Touch()
    // override of default implementation

  virtual state(BotStates.Guarding)
    public virtual void Touch()
      // Guarding specific implementation

Since that's not possible without altering the language, let's see what we can do to approximate that behavior.

Serializable state-aware objects

I'm just going to get this out of the way first. For the initial version, i'm handling the serializable portion by simple making the abstract base class ISerializable and putting the burden on the subclass to be serializable. .NET already has great facilities for serializing and it won't be hard to retrofit the base class with the methods for automating the saving of state later, as long as we just insist on ISerializable.

Different logic paths per state on state aware methods

Since we can't just create new keywords in the language, what can we do? Well, to start, a large part of the motivation behind stateful programming in UnrealScript can be alleviated by using events. I.e. a common example is a Touch() function. I.e. the object responds to an external event. Well, instead of creating Touch() in different parts of the code, you could just have a Touched event in the class and subscribe and unsubscribe different handlers depending on the state.

While events will play a large part of any complex game logic, the approach for this framework doesn't use events. Instead we use the language feature that makes events possible, i.e. Delegates. Sure we could have a case statement in each stateful Method that branches on the state, but that makes for error-prone and hard to maintain code. Instead each stateful method could simply call a state handler, which is initialized with the appropriate delegate on state change. Now we have a single set of plumbing for setting up all code paths for each state.

But that still leaves a lot of code at state change to attach the right delegates to each method per state change. Instead of doing this manually, we can use Attributes to identify the appropriate handlers and Reflection to discover state methods and the matching state specific handlers.

The resulting code looks like this:

public class Bot : AStateObject
  // Start: Definition of the Stateful method
  protected delegate void TouchDelegate();
  protected TouchDelegate touchDelegate;
  public void Touch()
  // End: Definition of the Stateful method

  // Tagged as default handler
  protected virtual void Default_Touch()
    //default implementation

  // Tagged as Idle state handler
  [StateMethodHandler("Touch", (byte)BotStates.Idle)]
  protected virtual void Idle_Touch()
    // Idle specific implementation

public class GuardBot : Bot
  // normal override mechanism works in our state code as well
  protected override void Default_Touch()
    // override of default implementation

  // Tagged as Idle state handler
  [StateMethodHandler("Touch", (byte)BotStates.Guarding)]
  protected virtual void Guarding_Touch()
    // Guarding specific implementation

This covers pretty much all the bases, but let me just point out the ones specific to state handling.

First we have to separate the state method from its implemenation and then tag it as such. That's how we get:

protected delegate void TouchDelegate();
protected TouchDelegate touchDelegate;
public void Touch()

Clearly a lot of busy work for a simple method. But it's busy work a code generator could easily move to a partial class. The StateMethod attribute both tags the method and provides information to our framework which delegate needs to be wired up.

Now we're free to define our state specific implemenation:

[StateMethodHandler("Touch", (byte)BotStates.Idle)] protected virtual void Idle_Touch() { // Idle specific implementation }

The name Idle_Touch is convention and does not affect execution. Its purpose serves both to make sure we get a unique method name and that its easily recognizable by someone trying to subclass the class. It's the StateMethodHandler attribute that tells the framework that the method is the Idle handler for Touch(). Why are we casting our state enum to byte? I'll cover that when I talk about type-safe states.

State specific methods should be inherited

Since our state specific methods are really just normal methods that have been tagged as handlers, inheritance proceeds in the regular fashion. Marked as virtual, any subclass can override any state handler. Since Intellisense won't tell you which method is tagged to what state, the naming convention of _ once again becomes useful.

Default and state specific methods

In addition to the StateMethodHandler(string methodName, byte state) constructor, there also exists StateMethodHandler(string methodName). Methods tagged as such are the default handlers:

protected virtual void Default_Touch()
  //default implementation

Type-safe states

This last goal is a bit tricky and the solution is only somewhat satisfying. My desire is to have states that are type-safe and discoverable enumerations of states. Naturally enums come to mind. But there are a number of disadvantages to enums:

  1. If we define the enum as part of the framework, all classes that implement the framework have to share a fixed set of states. This is clearly not useful.
  2. If we let a subclass define the enumeration and the framework just stores it as an Id, it solves the first problem. However any further subclassing can only add states by changing the original enum, which is only possible if you are the author of the assembly containing that enumeration.
  3. Even if a subclass decides to throw out the parent's state enum and just create its own, any State property will not permit this, since we can't change the property's signature in the override.

The first we address by hiding state in the bowels of the framework simply as a byte and requiring the subclasses to define their own state enum and casting them. Hence the byte cast in the StateMethodHandler attribute. (If you have more than 256 states, you probably have something a bit more complex than should be handled on simple single valued state changes).`` ```

The second is a trade-off for being a compile-time checked framework. I'd rather have my enums to be machine-discoverable and fixed than some dynamic value that only becomes meaningful at runtime. I'll go out on a limb and say that if you are subclassing an existing member of your game's simulation, it should only contain the existing states because the simulation is unlikely to ever set your new states. If you do need more states, maybe your class isn't a subclass at all. You probably have two game objects that share common code, but different states, so they instead have a common ancestor (which doesn't define states). Then your two classes become siblings, each defining their own states.

If you really must extend the states of your base class, you can still handle the last case by simply marking your override of the State accessor as new and taking on the responsibility of doing all the casting.

So that covers the syntax of the implementation for a simple stateful framework. Next I'll cover the guts that implements that syntax in State-aware programming in C#, part III.

Not your iPhone's Multi-touch

There is an article over at Fast Company about Jeff Han, the guy responsible for the Multitouch demo that spread via YouTube a couple of months ago. When I saw that video I was mesmerized. Everything looked so natural. There was no need for explanation, every gesture once seen seemed like the obvious thing to do. It's one of those brilliant inventions that once seen seems like it should always have been around. Well, the video attached to the Fast Company article is even more hypnotizing. Just beautiful.

And I guess the best thing is that this tech is going to hit the market, considering that half the interactions of the iPhone appear to be based on this research. Curious whether Han helped Apple or Apple engineers were inspired at TED. The article mentions PIXAR as an interested party, but not Apple. I do have to give Apple the nod for idea of taking multitouch to the phone. Seeing the multitouch video, I never even considered going to a smaller screen (and neither has Han if the new video is any indication). But it's perfect for the small screen, since that input device of all is the one that needs to be more flexible to what people want to do, and anticipate their input, since there isn't all that much room to get interaction from.

Any way you look at it, I wish Han's company Perceptive Pixel all the luch and funding to make multitouch the way we interact with computers in the future.

Visible != You can see it

The Visible property on Controls is a bit misleading. Aside from the fact that setting it to true, is really only an advisory setting, since it's truth is also dependent on all its parents, there is the issue that is has nothing to do with whether it's actually visible when the form is painted.

Simple example: You have a Control A in a panel and that panel is half off-screen (or at least half across the edge of its container. And A is in the part of the panel that's obscured. A is going to be Visible, even though its not visible.

The interesting thing is that the paint cycle knows this, and OnPaint won't be called on the Control. Now wouldn't it be nice if there was a property that told you that your Visible control won't be drawn? If there is a simple way to determine this, I haven't found it (especially not on .NETCF 1.0).

The way I do it now is that i use RectangleToScreen on the Control and then recursively walk up the parents, get their screen rectangle and call IntersectsWith on the control's Rectangle and each Parent. As soon as i find one that doesn't intersect, I know the Control is not going to be drawn.

It's always the Invoke

If you are working on the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 and you get an ArgumentException trying to manipulate your UI (such as adding a Control to a form), you are likely doing this operation from a thread other than you UI thread and should be using Invoke. Thanks to jonfroelich's post "Controls.Add ArgumentException" for putting me on the right path. With all my frustrating debugging and unexplained freezes, i'd completely forgot that the particular code branch I was looking at was initiated by a callback from a WorkerThread.

Of course the Invoke facilities of .NETCF 1.0 are pitiful, lacking the things that make this whole single-threaded UI business bearable in regular Windows.Forms. There is not InvokeRequired for one thing, nor is there BeginInvoke. And even Invoke just provides the Invoke(Delegate) signature, not the much more useful Invoke(Delegate, Object[]).

Add to that that the only valid Delegate is an EventHandler, which takes two arguments, the exclusion of Invoke(Delegate, Object[]) really is painful.

Of System.Diagnostics.Debug, ActiveSync & Sockets

Today started simple enough. I needed more debug info from my Smartphone app than just using the debugger could give me in a reasonable fashion. My usual solution is log4net for getting a debug spew, but trying to stay as simple as possible on the .NETCF 1.0, I decided to hit up System.Diagnostics instead. More to the point, System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine() and its brethren.

Except, nothing showed up in the output window. Checking whether there was a config setting, then making sure that .NETCF 1.0 supported it, I was stumped. Finally I find out that the default TraceListener is only supported by VS.NET 2k5 if you use .NETCF 2.0. Now I don't know if you've looked at deploying 2.0 apps in a world where even the most modern phones still ship with 1.0, but I certainly couldn't find a clean and simple solution. Especially not one that didn't require being tethered and downloading 40MB from MS, just so they can run a couple hundred kilobytes of App. And it's a pity, because I run into something every day to which the answer is "Use .NETCF 2.0". I want to, really, I do, but deployment convenience trumps developer convenience.

Next up was writing a custom TraceListener and wanting to be as unobtrusive to my Apps operation, I built it on UDP, i.e. a UdpTraceListener. Console based prototype code was up in about 20 minutes for the UdpTraceListener and the console app for listening to the spew. Then followed a couple of hours of testing and stepping through debug and not being able to get anything to be sent from my Emulator cradled via ActiveSync.

I even thought it might be because the phone Emulator couldn't talk to the hosting computer and moved the console app to Mono on my server. That part worked flawlessly--copy the binary call mono UdpTraceConsole.exe and it was up and running. But it also received no data.

Then finally I find a chat log with the .NETCF team that reveals that UDP is not supported over ActiveSync. Nice.

Another 20 minutes of coding and i had a TcpTraceListener up in running in my console test harness. Woot. Time to put test on the phone, so i can finally get back to real coding....

Right. That would have been nice. The same game as before. Tried all sorts of permutations and received no data. Sometimes the debugger would throw a Socket Exception, usually it wouldn't. It made no sense. I knew that TCP worked because I use HttpWebRequest extensively. So I tried putting my console listener on port 80. Nothing. Finally, I decided to open up a port on my firewall and forward it back to my dev machine so that I could try to contact my console listener via a network address from the outside world. And that finally worked. Only theory I have right now is that the DHCP setup via ActiveSync is screwy and it just can't see any of my local net. I'll investigate that later, for now I'm just happy to have a working debug spew.

And here is the exceedingly simple TcpTraceListener. Note: I use '\0' to denote the end of any message so my debug messages can include linefeeds.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace Droog.Diagnostics
  public class TcpTraceListener : TraceListener
    IPEndPoint endPoint;
    Socket console;

    public TcpTraceListener(IPEndPoint consoleEndPoint)
      this.endPoint = consoleEndPoint;

    private Socket ConsoleSocket
        if (console == null || !console.Connected)
          console = new Socket(
        return console;

    public override void Write(string message)
        // this is for a debug spew. I'd rather swallow the exceptions
        // than have my debug code mess with my App.

    public override void WriteLine(string message)
      Write(message + "\\r\\n\\0");

    public override void Close()
      if (console != null)
        if (console.Connected)
        console = null;