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Avoiding Events, or how to wrap an Event with a continuation handle

If there is one language feature of .NET that I've become increasingly apprehensive of it is events. On the surface they seem incredibly useful, letting you observe behavior without the observed object having to know anything about the observer. But the way they are implemented has a number of problems that makes me avoid them whenever possible.

Memory Leaks

The biggest pitfall with events is that they are a common source of "memory leaks". Yes, a managed language can leak memory -- it happens anytime you create an object that is still referenced by an active object and cannot be garbage collected. The nasty bit that usually goes unmentioned is that an event subscription represents an object holding a reference to the observed instance. Not only does this go unmentioned, but Microsoft spent years showing off code samples and doing drag and drop demos of subscribing to events without stressing that you need to also unsubscribe from them again.

Every "memory leak" I've ever dealt with in .NET traced back to some subscription that wasn't released. And tracking this down in a large project is nasty work --taking and comparing memory shapshots to see what objects are sticking around, who subscribes to them and whether they should really still be subscribed. All because the observer affects the ability of the observed to go out of scope, which seems like a violation of the Observer pattern.

Alternatives to Events

Weak Event Pattern

A pattern I've implemented from scratch several times (the side-effect of implementing core features in proprietary code) is the Weak Event pattern, i.e. an event that uses a weak reference as the subscription, so that the observed class isn't pinned in memory by a subscriber.

.NET 4 Microsoft has even formalized this with the WeakEventManager to implement the Weak Event Pattern, although I prefer just overriding the add and remove on an event and using weak references under the hood. While this changes the expected behavior of events and is unexpected in public facing APIs, I consider it the way events should have been implemented in the first place, and use it as default in my non-public facing code.


A better way of implementing the Observer pattern is IObservable from the Reactive Framework (Rx). Getting a stream of events pushed at you is a lot more natural for observation and allows for following a number of different behaviors in one observer. It also provides a mechanism for terminating the subscription from the observed end, as well a way deal with exceptions occuring in event generation. For new APIs this is definitely my prefered method of pushing state changes at listeners.

Using a continuation handle to subscribe to a single event invocation

A pattern I encounter frequently are one time events that simply signal a change in state, such as a connection being estatblished or closed. What I really want for these is a callback. I've added methods in the vein of AddConnectedCallback(Action callback), but always feel like their unintuitive constructs born out of my dislike of events, so generally I just end up creating events for these after all.

I could just use a lambda to subscribe to an event an capture the current scope much like the .WhenDone handler of Result, the lambda is anonymous making it impossible to unsubscribe:

xmpp.OnLogin += (sender,args) => {
  // but how do I unsubscribe now?

The mere fact that lambdas are being shown as convenient ways to subscribe to events without any mention about the reference leaks this introduces just further illustrates how broken both events and their guidance are. Using this closure, simplifies attaching behavior at invocation time and makes sure that unsubscribe is handled cleanly.

Doing a lot of asynchronous programming work with MindTouch DReAM's Result continuation handle (think TPL's Task, but available since .NET 2.0), I decided that being able to subscribe to an event with a result would be ideal. Inspired by Rx's Observable.FromEvent, I created EventClosure, which can be used like this:

EventClosure.Subscribe(h => xmpp.OnLogin += h, h => xmpp.OnLogin -= h)
  .WhenDone(r => xmpp.Send("Hello"));

Unfortunately, like Observable.FromEvent, you have to set up the subscribe and unsubscribe using an Action provided handler, since there isn't a way to pass xmpp.OnLogin as an argument and do it programatically. But at least now the subscribe and unsubscribe are handled in one place and I can concentrate on the logic I want executed at event invocation.

I could have implemented this same pattern using Task, but until async/await ships, Result still has the advantage, aside from continuation via .WhenDone or Blocking via .Block or .Wait, Result also gives me the ability to use a coroutine:

public IEnumerator<IYield> ConnectAndWelcome(Result<Xmpp> result) {
    var xmpp = CreateClient();
    var loginContinuation = EventClosure.Subscribe(h => xmpp.OnLogin += h, h => xmpp.OnLogin -= h);
    yield return loginContinuation;

This creates the client, starts the connection and suspends itself until connected, so it can then send a welcome message and return the connected client to its invokee. All this happens asynchronously! The implementation of EventClosure looks like this (and could easily be adapted to use Task instead of Result):

public static class EventClosure {
    public static Result Subscribe(
        Action<EventHandler> subscribe,
        Action<EventHandler> unsubscribe
    ) {
        return Subscribe(subscribe, unsubscribe, new Result());

    public static Result Subscribe(
        Action<EventHandler> subscribe,
        Action<EventHandler> unsubscribe,
        Result result
    ) {
        var closure = new Closure(unsubscribe, result);
        return result;

    public static Result<TEventArgs> Subscribe<TEventArgs>(
        Action<EventHandler<TEventArgs>> subscribe,
        Action<EventHandler<TEventArgs>> unsubscribe
    ) where TEventArgs : EventArgs {
        return Subscribe(subscribe, unsubscribe, new Result<TEventArgs>());

    public static Result<TEventArgs> Subscribe<TEventArgs>(
        Action<EventHandler<TEventArgs>> subscribe,
        Action<EventHandler<TEventArgs>> unsubscribe,
        Result<TEventArgs> result
    ) where TEventArgs : EventArgs {
        var closure = new Closure<TEventArgs>(unsubscribe, result);
        return result;

    private class Closure {
        private readonly Action<EventHandler> _unsubscribe;
        private readonly Result _result;

        public Closure(Action<EventHandler> unsubscribe, Result result) {
            _unsubscribe = unsubscribe;
            _result = result;

        public void Handler(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) {
    private class Closure<TEventArgs> where TEventArgs : EventArgs {
        private readonly Action<EventHandler<TEventArgs>> _unsubscribe;
        private readonly Result<TEventArgs> _result;

        public Closure(Action<EventHandler<TEventArgs>> unsubscribe, Result<TEventArgs> result) {
            _unsubscribe = unsubscribe;
            _result = result;

        public void Handler(object sender, TEventArgs eventArgs) {

While this pattern is limited to single fire events, since Result can only be triggered once, it is a common enough pattern of event usage and one of the cleanest ways to receive that notification asynchronously.

Easily add Pre and Post build tasks to a Visual Studio Solution

One dirty little secret about Visual Studio 2008 and even Visual Studio 2010 is that while MSBuild governs the solution build process, the .sln file is not an MSBuild file. The .*proj files are, but solution isn't. So trying to customize the build on the solution level seemed really annoying.

As I dug around trying to find the Solution level equivalent of the Build Events dialog from Visual Studio, Sayed Ibrahim pointed out that in Visual Studio 2010 there is now a hook to let you inject some before and after tasks, but unfortunately the problem I was trying to solve was the build process for MindTouch DReAM, which is still in Visual Studio 2008.

Approach 1: Generating the solution msbuild .proj

Digging around further, I found out that you could get the MSBuild file that the solution was turned into. By setting the environment variable MSBuildEmitSolution=1 and running MSBuild will write out the generated .proj file.

While this enables you to edit it and add new tasks, it means that your build script will drift out of sync with the solution as it is modified. I initially went down this path, since the build i wanted was very specialized to the distribution build. That let me eliminate 90% of the .proj file and I felt confident that the smaller the .proj, the simpler it would be to keep it in sync with the solution.

Approach 2: Calling the solution from a different build script

But wait, all the solution .proj did was call MSBuild on each of its projects. So if one MSBuild script can call another, why do i even need to use a generated version of the solution? Turns out you don't. You can write a very simple MSbuild script, that in turn calls the .sln, letting MSBuild perform the conversion magic, and you still get your pre and post conditions.

<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="3.5" xmlns="">
    <Target Name="Build">
        <CallTarget Targets="PreBuild"/>
        <CallTarget Targets="Dream"/>
        <CallTarget Targets="PostBuild"/>
    <Target Name="PreBuild">
        <Message Text="Pre Build" />
    <Target Name="PostBuild">
        <Message Text="Post Build" />
    <Target Name="Dream" Outputs="@(DreamBuildOutput)">
        <Message Text="Building DReAM" />
        <MSBuild Targets="Rebuild"
                 Properties="Configuration=Signed Release; Platform=Any CPU; BuildingSolutionFile=true;">
            <Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="DreamBuildOutput" />
        <Message Text="Done building DReAM" />

Now that I've implemented this, I am surprised that when I looked for a solution, this didn't come up in google and I hope that this post helps the next person that runs into this issue. The only drawback (which it shares with the first approach) is that this script is only for manual execution. Building from within Visual Studio can't take advantage of it.

Namespaces: Obfuscating Xml for fun and profit

One reason Xml is hated by many is namespaces. While the concept is incredibly useful and powerful, the implementation, imho, is a prime example of over-engineered flexibility: It's so flexible that you can express the same document in a number of radically different ways that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. This flexibility then becomes the downfall of many users, as well as simplistic parsers, trying to write XPath rather than walking the tree looking at localnames.

Making namespaces confusing

Conceptually, it seems very useful to be able to specify a namespace for an element so that documents from different authors can be merged without collision and ambiguity. And if this declaration was a simple unique map from prefix to Uri, it would be a useful system. You see a prefix, you know know it has a namespace that was defined somewhere earlier in the document. Ok, it could also be defined in the same node -- that's confusing already.

But that's not how namespaces work. In order to maximize flexibility, there are a number of aspects to namespacing that can make them ambiguous to the eye. Here are what I consider the biggest culprits in muddying the waters of understanding:

Prefix names are NOT significant

Let's start with a common misconception that sets the stage for most comprehension failures that follow, i.e that the prefix of an element has some unique meaning. The below snippets are identical in meaning:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
  <xsl:template match="/">

<a:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:a="">
  <a:template match="/">

The prefix is just a short alias for the namespace uri. I chose xsl because there are certain prefixes like xsl, xhtml, dc, etc, that are used consistently with their namespace uri's that a lot of people assume that the name is significant. But it isn't. Someone may give you a document with their favorite prefix and on first look, you'd think the xml is invalid.

Default Namespaces

Paradoxically, default namespaces likely came about to make namespacing easier and encourage their use. If you want your document to not conflict with anything else, it's best to declare a namespace

<my:a xmlns:my="ns1"/>

But that's just tedious. I just want to say "assume that everything in my document is in my namespace":

<a xmlns="ns1"/>

Beautiful. I love default namespaces!

Ah, but wait, there's more! A default namespace can be declared on any element and governs all its children. Yep, you can override previous defaults and elements at the same hierarchy level could have different namespaces without looking different:

<a xmlns="ns1"/>
  <b xmlns="ns2">
  <b xmlns="ns3">

Here it looks like we have a with two child elements b, each with an element c. Except not only is the first b really {ns2}b and the seconds b {ns3}b, but even worse, the c elements which have no namespace declaration are also different, i.e. {ns2}c and {ns3}c. This smells of someone being clever. It looks like a feature serving readibility when it does exactly the opposite. Use this in larger documents with some more nesting and the only way you can determine whether and what namespace an element belongs to is to use a parser. And that defeats the human readibility property of Xml.

Attributes do not inherit the default namespace

As if default namespaces didn't provide enough obfuscation power, there is a special exception to them and that's attributes:

<a xmlns="ns1"/>
  <b c="who am i">blah</b>

So you'd think this is equivalent to:

<x:a xmlns:x="ns1"/>
  <x:b x:c="who am i">blah</x:b>

But you'd be wrong. @c isn't @x:c, it's just @c. It's without namespace. The logic goes like this: Namespaces exist to uniquely identify nodes. Since an attribute is already inside a uniquely identifyable container, the element, it doesn't need a namespace. The only way to get a namespace on an attribute is to use an explicit prefix. Which means that if you wanted @c to have be in the namespace {ns1} , but not force every element to declare the prefix as well, you'd have to write it like this:

<a xmlns="ns1"/>
  <b x:c="who am i" xmlns:x="ns1">blah</b>

Oh yeah, much more readable. Thanks for that exception to the rule.

Namespace prefixes are not unique

That last example is a perfect segway into the last, oh, my god, seriously?, obfuscation of namespacing: You can declare the same namespace multiple times with different prefixes and, even more confusingly you can define the same prefix with different namespaces.

<x:a xmlns:x="ns1">
  <x:b xmlns:x="ns2">
    <x:c xmlns:x="ns1">you don't say</x:c>
  <y:b xmlns:y="ns1">
    why would you do this?

Yes, that is legal AND completely incomprehensible. And yes, people aren't likely to do this on purpose, unless they really are sadists. But I've come across equivalent scenarios where multiple documents were merged together without paying attention to existing namespaces. In fairness, trying to understand existing namespaces on merge is a pain, so it might have been purely done in self-defense. This is the equivalent of spaghetti code and it's enabled by needless flexibility in the namespace system.

XPath needs unambiguous names

So far i've only addressed the ambiguity in authoring and in visually parsing namespaced Xml, which has plenty of painpoints just in itself. But now let's try to find something in one of these documents.

<x:a xmlns:x="ns1">
  <x:b xmlns:x="ns2">
    <x:c xmlns:x="ns1">you don't say</x:c>
  <y:b xmlns:y="ns1">
    why would you do this?

Let's get the c element with this xpath:


But that doesn't return any results. Why not? The main thing to remember with XPath is that, again, prefixes are NOT signficant. That means, just because you see a prefix used in the document doesn't actually mean that XPath can find it by that name. Again, why not? Indeed. After all, the x prefix is defined, so why can't XPath just use that mapping? Well, remember about this example that depending on where you are in the document, x means something different. XPath doesn't work contextually, it needs unique names to match. Internally, XPath needs to be able to convert the element names into fully qualified names before ever looking at the document. That means what it really wants is a qury like this:


Since namspaces can be used in all sorts of screwy ways to use the same prefixes to mean different things contextually, the prefixes seen in the text representation of the document are useless to XPath. Instead, you need to define manual, unique mappings from prefix to namespace, i.e. you need to provide a unique lookup from prefix to uri. Gee, unique prefix.. Why couldn't the Xml document spec for namespaces have respected that requirement as well.

Namespace peace of mind: Be explicit and unique

The best you can do to keep namespacing nightmares at bay is to follow 2 simple rules for formatting and ingesting Xml:

  1. Only use default namespacing on the root node
  2. Keep your prefixes unique (preferably across all documents you touch)

There, done, ambiquity is gone. Now make sure you normalize every Xml document that passes through your hands by these rules and bathe in the light of transparency. It's easier to read, and you can initialize XPath with that global nametable of yours so that your XPath represenation will match your rendered Xml representation.

Platform specific Pre|PostBuildEvent in .csproj files

Xml configuration files have certainly been vilified, but they do have some lovely qualities, such as easy allowing you to stuff additional data into them without screwing things up. To be on the safe side this should be done with namespaces to avoid DTD validation issues, but often even that isn't necessary. Xml is simply, err--- extensible.

Of course, this makes a big presumption that the consuming end a) doesn't have some inflexible parser that pukes on valid but unexpected xml, and b) doesn't just import the xml into its own internal representation only write out just its known representation on save. If that's how you want to treat your xml data source, do us all a favor and stop using Xml already -- you're only invonveniencing people with angle brackets without letting them reap the benefits they could provide.

Anyway, this seems like a non-sequitor intro but I promise to explain its significance in a little bit. Now, on to the point of this post, that you can write pre- and post-build events in Visual Studio projects to target multiple platforms. This behavior is most welcome when you want to xbuild your code under mono on linux.

When you create a PostBuildEvent in Visual studio to copy some files like this:

copy $(TargetPath) $(TargetDir)MyExecutable.exe

Visual Studio actually emits this block into the .csproj Xml:

<PostBuildEvent>copy $(TargetPath) $(TargetDir)MyExecutable.exe</PostBuildEvent>

Sure, I could set up an alias from cp to copy on linux, but that's a hack sidestepping the real issue: I am likely to want different pre- and post-build behavior between windows and linux. I have to apologize for not recalling who pointed this out -- could have been on the mono-devel list or in the mono-devel irc chat -- but someone told me that Ican put a condition on <PreBuildEvent> and <PostBuildEvent> to control when it is to be executed:

<PostBuildEvent Condition=" '$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT' ">
  copy $(TargetPath) $(TargetDir)MyExecutable.exe
<PostBuildEvent Condition=" '$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT' ">
  cp $(TargetPath) $(TargetDir)MyExecutable.exe

This does mean I'm manually editing the .csproj, not some of the prettiest Xml around, but it establishes separate post-build steps for windows and not windows. I know it's a simplistic example, but works for the 99% use case of .NET vs. mono build environments.

Now, to resume my diatribe about Xml configuration and applications that use it: Well, the first thing that worried me about this solution was whether Visual Studio would puke once I made those changes and if it didn't puke whether it would clobber them. And I have to report, not a problem, on both accounts. Visual Studio is a good xml configuration file citizen, and only uses the parts it knows and uses the file as its data model, modifying it rather than overwriting it. Yay!

Ok, so there are still delegates you have to define

Yesterday I needed to create a bit of code that should retry an http request on failure and i wanted this to happen in a non-blocking fashion, so a plain loop was out. Using DReAM's Plug, I can easily set up a .WhenDone handler, but I need something to call back recursively. I could have created a new method that calls itself recursively, but inspired by my recent scala reading, i wanted to define the function to execute to exist only in the scope of the current function. The resulting code was this:

public void Restart(string wikiId) {
    Action restarter = null;
    var retry = 0;
    restarter = () => {

        // call the stop endpoint
        _self.At("host", "stop", wikiId)
            .Post(new Result<DreamMessage>()).WhenDone(
                m => {

                    // if the endpoint was unavailable and we've got retries left ...
                    if(m.Status == DreamStatus.ServiceUnavailable && retry <= 3) {

                        // ... sleep for 2 seconds ...
                        Async.Sleep(2.Seconds()).WhenDone(r => {

                            // ... then try again
                e => {
                    // plug's don't throw exceptions, they communicate failure in the resulting message

    // kick the restart attempt off

Completely non-blocking, yay. Of course, like most continuation based async code, it has a tendency to walk off the right side of the screen, but that's a different topic.

Discussing this pattern, Steve suggested that instead of explictly calling myself to execute the next retry, the Action should take another action as its argument. By passing continuation in, any kind of continuation could be called, even a no-op that terminates the chain.

Ok, cool, let's just change the signature of restarter to Action<Action>... no wait, it need to be an action that takes and action that takes an action, that.... hrm, you see the problem...

Action<Action<Action<Action<_ad infinitum_>>>>

I needed a recursive delegate definition and that is simply not possible with Func<> and Action<>. I needed something like:

delegate void Recursor(Recursor continuation)

So, unlike my previous statement, there are still scenarios where you have to write a delegate :)

faking git merge --strategy=theirs

I've been trying to figure out a workflow in git for resetting my clone of an upstream branch to the current upstream state, but without discarding my history. The reason for not dropping the history is that a) it's antithetical to me to ever discard anything from revision control, and b) i push my local changes to a public repo, which means others might have cloned it and are following my changes, so a git reset or git rebase is a bad thing.

Sure, merge usually does just fine, but in the case of me working on something that is not accepted upstream or was made irrelevant by an upstream change the merge would not get rid of my dead end changes.

One option is to leave my clones of upstream branches alone and always create working branches that i discard once the task is completed and each new working branch is a new branch off the upstream master.

After digging around a while, I found almost what i wanted:

git merge --strategy=ours _<branch>_

which brings in history from <branch> but adds one more commit recording the changes required to keep the current branch at its pre-merge state. Except i want to do the opposite

git merge --strategy=theirs _<upstream/branch>_ **_// does not exist!_**

which would bring in the history from <upstream/branch> and record a commit with the changes required to make the current branch a replica of <upststream/branch>. While there is something that looks like it would do that, i.e.

git merge --strategy=recursive -X theirs _<upstream/branch>_

but that will not discard local changes that do not conflict with upstream changes.

A workflow to fake git merge --strategy=theirs

Assuming i must just be overlooking a command or switch, I asked on stackoverflow and with the help of users kelloti and jefromi (update: VonC updated his answer to more precisely reflect this workflow) was able to put together a workflow that fakes --strategy=theirs:

get a temp copy of the upstream branch
git co -b temp _<upstream/branch>_

merge our version of the branch into the upstream with ours strategy
git merge --strategy=ours _<branch>_

commit if necessary (i.e. auto-commit or fast forward didn't happen)
git commit ...

checkout our version of the branch
git co _<branch>_

merge temp (which will be a fast forward)
git merge temp

push the changes to our origin repo
git push

get rid of the temp branch
git branch -D temp

It's a bit convoluted but does leave us with our history and a re-freshed local copy of the upstream master.

Update: Why do i want this again?

I'm setting up the worflow for MindTouch DReAM right now. Up until now, we'd been collobrating via SVN without development branches. I had kept my own private git repo, because I am rather particular about committing frequently and wanting those commits backed up remotely.

As long as my repo had nothing to do with the public version, this was all fine, but since now I'd want the ability to collorate on WIP with other team members and outside contributors, I want to make sure that my public branches are reliable for others to branch off and pull from, i.e. no more rebase and reset on things I've pushed to the remote backup, since it's now on github and public.

So that leaves me with how i should proceed. 99% of the time my copy will go into the upstream master, so i want to work my master and push into upstream most of the time. But every once in a while what i have in wip will get invalidated by what goes into upstream and i will abandon some part of my wip. At that point I want to bring my master back in sync with upstream, but not destroy any commit points on my publicly pushed master. I.e. i want a merge with upstream that ends up with the changeset that make my copy identical to upstream. And that's what git merge --strategy=theirs should do.

It's all about messages and pattern matching

My inability to cleanly insert an intercepting actor to spawn new actors on demand discussed in my previous post about Calculon illustrated tunnelvision in my expression based messages. While these are a great way to express the message contract, they are finally just one way of defining message payloads. The pipeline should be ignorant of message payloads and be able to route any payload based on meta-data alone.

Routing revisited

I had to stop hiding the IMessage format under hood and just accept that ExpressionTransport really represents a convenience extension for generating message payloads. This change not only makes it possible for any actor to accept any kind of message, but also to makes the routing a lot simpler and flexible. Now there is only a single, much simpler ITransport:

public interface ITransport {
    ActorAddress Sender { get; }
    void Send(IMessage message);

I've also attached ther sender onto the transport, which means there's one less dependency to inject. Given this, ExpressionTransport and MessageTransport simply becomes extension methods on ITransport:

public static class TransportEx {
    public static void Send<TRecipient>(
       this ITransport transport,
       Expression<Action<TRecipient>> message
    ) {
       transport.Send(new ExpressionActionMessage<TRecipient>(
          ActorAddress.Create<TRecipient>(), message
    // etc.

This provides a lot more flexibility for messaging, since new payloads can be created by implementing IMessage. It does mean that dynamic dispatch would be nice for dispatching the different payloads against their respective receivers. Oh well, we can work around that.

Determining what messages to accept

Now it's possible for an actor not of type TRecipient to receive an ExpressionMessage<TRecipient>, perform some action and re-dispatch it via Send(). By default routing is done by Id, but missing a direct receiver we can now insert additional pattern matching to determine a suitable recipient. For this I've created an interface to let actors expose their accept criteria:

public interface IPatternMatchingActor {
    Expression<Func<MessageMeta, bool>> AcceptCriteria { get; }

While this could have been done by convention, I couldn't think of a reason other than current fashion to not use an interface contract to expose this actor capability, so an interface it was. The reason it's an Expression and operates on the MessageMeta rather than the expression is to facilitate serialization of the criteria for delivery across the process boundary so messages can be qualified for acceptance before attempting to cross that boundary.

Better plumbing

I now have everything I need to switch the bots to Calculon. Once that is done, and working reliably, it'll be time to improve the dispatch plumbing to improve speed and reduce concurrency bottlenecks in dispatch.

Calculon: Building an actor framework

I'm currently extending functionality in the bots and in order to make this easier, I'm refactoring the adhoc actor-like message processing system I built into one a bit more flexible for adding features quickly. Right now message senders and receivers are hard-coupled and use blocking dictionary lookups for dispatch. They also act on instances of each other, which allowed some insidious calls to sneak in during moments of weakness.

As I embarked on my refactor, I wanted to make sure the replacing infrastructure removed assumptions about the entities communicating among each other but also wanted to avoid the pitfall of designing something overly generic. For that I had to first define what it was I needed to be able to do, so I'd only build what I need. At the same time, I decided to pull the replacement into its own Assembly, so that implementation specific coupling wouldn't leak back into the plumbing again. The resulting system has been named in honor of the greatest of all acting robots, Calculon, and is available in its present work-in-progress form on github.

The current actors


The bot is responsible for dispatching messages to users and receiving user messages and presence status. The bot passes messages for a user on to the user's UserAgent actor and receives messages to send to the user from the UserAgent. For distribution and maintenance simplicity, each bot and its related actors was implemented as a separate process.


UserAgents keep the state of the user, such as presence, including all resources (different clients) connected and queues up messages coming from the message queue until the user is in a state to receive messages. It has its own persistence layer, allowing idle users to expire and be recreated as incoming traffic from either the bot or the message queue requires it.


The message queue is a client to our store-and-forward queueing system. Messages from users are pushed into the this actor via long-polling and user data/actions that affect other systems (such as analytics) are pushed into the appropriate queues as they are handed to the MessageQueue by other actors (generally UserAgents).

What capabilities are needed?

Register actors

At the root of the system, exists the Stage, which exposes the ActorBuilder:


The assumption is that actors may require a transport and their own address at construction time and that they are completely isolated, i.e. no reference is ever exposed. The builder will inject these framework owned dependencies if detected in a constructors signature. In order to allow for more flexible construction and the ability to have some kind of IoC container act as a factory, the builder exposes hooks like this:

    (transport,address) => container.Resolve<IXmppAgent>(transport,address)

The above assumes a container such as Autofac which can resolve a type and be provided typed parameters to optionally inject.

Send messages without knowing that a receiver exists

This is the root of the dispatch system. I need to be able to send the message without a reference to receiver and let the transport worry about immediate delivery, queueing for later or routing it to some controller that will bring the recipient into existence. None of those concerns should be visible to the sender. Using semantics introduced in "Type-safe actor messaging approaches", and slightly tweaked by implementation, provides me with a way of asynchronously calling methods on unknown recipients:

public interface IExpressionTransport {
    void Send<TRecipient>(Expression<Action<TRecipient>> message);
    void Send<TRecipient>(Expression<Action<TRecipient, MessageMeta>> message);
    Result SendAndReceive<TRecipient>(Expression<Action<TRecipient>> message);
    Result SendAndReceive<TRecipient>(Expression<Action<TRecipient, MessageMeta>> message);
    Result<TResponse> SendAndReceive<TRecipient, TResponse>(
        Expression<Func<TRecipient, TResponse>> message
    Result<TResponse> SendAndReceive<TRecipient, TResponse>(
        Expression<Func<TRecipient, MessageMeta, TResponse>> message
    IAddressedExpressionTransport<TRecipient> For<TRecipient>(string id);

The main addition is the ability to inject MessageMeta, a class containing meta information such as Sender and Recipient into the receiver without the Sender having to specify this data.

Send/Receive by Id (UserAgent target)

For UserAgent messages, there are thousands of actors each with a unique Id. While currently that Id is a Jid I don't want to tie the internals to Xmpp specific details, so Id should be an plain string and let the transport worry about the meaning and routing implications of that string.

The ability to send by Id is provided by IExpressionTransport.For<TRecipient>(string id). The returned interface IAddressedExpressionTransport<TRecipient> mirrors IExpressionTransport, representing a intermediate storage of the receiver id, thus providing a fluent interface that permits the following calling convention:

_transport.For<Recipient>(id).SendAndReceive(x => x.Notify("hey", "how'd you like that?"));

Send/Receive by Type (XmppBot/MessageQueue targets)

If I stay with the process-per-bot for the bot and messagequeue actors, there would be a single instance for these actors and I can address them directly by Type. The semantics for these message are already expressed by IExpressionTransport.

Spawn UserAgent on demand

Of course, dealing with unkown recipients begs the question where do these recipients come from? I need to be able intercept messages for Id's that are not yet in the system and spawn those recipients on the fly. Wanting to stay with actors for anything but the base plumbing, this facility should be handled by actors that can receive these messages and tell the plumbing to instantiate a new actor.

The same interface to access the ActorBuilder exposed by the stage is encapsulated by the IDirector:

public interface IDirector {
    ActorBuilder<TActor, IDirector> AddActor<TActor>();
    void R(ActorAddress address);

The director being a framework owned actor can of course be called via messaging, allowing a new actor to be registered with:

    x => x.AddActor<IXmppAgent>().WithId("").Build()

That leaves the ability to intercept messages that don't have a recipient, and redispatch those messages once the interceptor was able to spawn the actor. Both of those are not compatible with Expression based messages since they are coupled to a pretty specific contract. This is the one piece I don't have in Calculon at the time of this writing and the problem is discussed below.

Retire UserAgent on Idle

When a UserAgent sits idle for a while, it should be possible to remove it from the actor pool. Since the actor instance doesn't know that anything about the framework that owns it, there needs to be a message that can be sent to the actors mailbox that shuts it down, ideally disposing and IDisposable actors.

The interface IDirector introduced above includes a method for just that:

    (x,m) => x.RetireActor(_address, m);

This could be send by an actor itself, or by a governing actor that is responsible for a number of actors in a pool. Under the hood, this is where un-typed messages come into play, since they can be sent without a matching method on the recipient, and therefore could have special meaning to the mailbox that manages the recipient. I.e. sending the retire message to the director, simply causes it to send an untyped retire message to the actors mailbox, which will then shut itself down and dispose the actor. The interface for untyped messages (providing a more traditional Receive(msg) actor messaging model) is provided by this interface:

public interface IMessageTransport {
    void Send<TMessageData>(TMessageData messageData);
    Result<TOut> SendAndReceive<TIn, TOut>(TIn messageData);
    IAddressedMessageTransport For(string id);

Rather than force an interface on the receiving actor, messages not simply swallowed by the mailbox are delivered to the actor by convention, looking for a Receive method with appropriate TMessageData.

What capabilities are desirable?

The above is the basic requirements to provide the same functionality already present in the bot daemons, but using generalized plumbing. It's certainly sufficient to get the code underway, but in itself doesn't provide a lot more than the status-quo other than simplifying the extensibility and maintainability of UserAgents.

To expand on the present feature set and move other parts of the system to this actor infrastructure I have the following additional design goals for Calculon:

POCO Actors

One of my lead design goals was not to force any interface or baseclass requirements on actors, i.e. it should be possible to author actors as plain old C# objects (POCO). Actors should exist as their own isolated execution environment and their functionality testable without any part of Calculon in play. Dependencies such as transport and address are completely optional and injected by signature.

Actor monitoring and restart

Another aspect I would like to see is the erlang-style let it crash philosophy. It should be possible for an actor to subscribe to another actor to monitor its health. I'm not sure what "crash" should mean at this time, since using Result as the completion handle already captures exceptions and marshalls them to the caller.

My plan is to let these semantics emerge from use cases, as I put Calculon into production.

Remote Actors

One of primary benefits of actors for concurrency is that it cleanly decouples the pieces from each other and lets you move these pieces around for scalability. Being able to serialize the messages would allow dispatchers to send messages across the wire to other nodes in the actor network. For this, I need to determine a format for serializing the LINQ expressions used in ExpressionMessage. That means that any value captured by the expression needs to be serializable itself. Unfortunately checking whether an expression can be serialzied will be a runtime rather than compile time check.

Serializable messages are desirable even for local operation to enforce the share nothing philosophy. As it stands right now, shared object references could be used as message arguments, which defeats the purpose of this system. However, for performance reasons, I will likely employ Subzero to avoid unnecessary copying.

Dynamically load code and replace Actor implementation during runtime

Once there exists remote actor capability, it is possible to traverse AppDomain boundaries easily. That means that we could launch actors in different AppDomain. Conceivably, we should be able to drop a new implementation dll into a directory, load it up and have a control actor shutdown existing actors and and subsume their capabilties with its own implementation. Since we're serializing messages, changes to an actor's implemtation or even interface do not matter, as long as the method signatures previously published still exist.

Current Status

The "needed" capabilities, except for message intercept and re-dispatch, are currently implemented, although the infrastructure is a very simple implementation with lock contention issues under load. However those limitations are no more severe than my current setup, so it's good enough to migrate to, letting me improve and expand the plumbing against a working system.

The main stumbling block is dealing with interception. Right now delivery is done by Id and Type, and for expression based messages Type is fairly binding, at least to use the message. Of course the if the primary reason to intercept messages is to create the missing recipient, the interceptor would not need to be able to unwrap the message, just re-dispatch.

The simple way to implement this is to make interceptors hook into the dispatch framework, rather than actors in their own right. They could then be tied to internals and simply be part of the mailbox matching code and spawn and insert a new mailbox when triggered. However, I would rather stick with actors for everything and make the framework as invisible as possible, which also means that capture and re-dispatch should also be possible without exposing the internals of the framework. I.e. right now nobody outside of the plumbing ever even sees an expression message instance and I'd like to keep it that way.

Since I already know that I want to have actors that can choose to accept messages based on the sender, rather than a recipient id, it's clear that I need better pattern matching capabilities for actors to expose that let them indicate their interest in accepting a message and that I need some neutral payload format that can be re-addressed and re-dispatched. So that's still one part of the puzzle I have to solve.

git: pulling individual files from another branch

Here's a not too uncommon task in git that I just can't seem to remember:

Merge specific files from another branch or revision

It's simply checkout out that file on top of the current branch, but I always forget the syntax and try something like git checkout <branch>:<file> which doesn't work. Then i think, oh, it's a copy, so i try git checkout <branch>:<file> . which checks the file out but in the current directory. So I think i'm on the right path and try <localpath> instead of the dot, but that just complains about error: pathspec '' did not match any file(s) known to git. And then I finally wise up and google around and re-discover it's just:

git checkout ...

Yeah, that easy. Thanks to Jason Rudolph whose very familiar struggle google pointed me to this time around.

Oh and while I'm at it. <branch> in the above could be a commit (that nasty hex sig), so you can pick the file state from anywhere in time.

And what if that commit was on another branch how to you look at that log? git log <branch> of course. And you can even look at the log of branches not currently tracking locally with git log <remote>/<branch>, but be aware that while <remote>/<branch> does as the source for the above checkout, using the commit signature does not work until you are tracking that branch locally. If you try the error won't be very informative either:

$ git checkout b35e968bc9105041fd93d901bf8febe858d9847a src/mindtouch.core/service/S3StorageService.cs
  error: pathspec 'b35e968bc9105041fd93d901bf8febe858d9847ar' did not match any file(s) known to git.
  error: pathspec 'src/mindtouch.core/service/S3StorageService.cs' did not match any` file(s) known to git.

Well, hopefully I'll remember to look in my past posts next time I attempt this, because I'm sure i'll have forgotten again.

Fixing leaking semaphores with mod_mono

After porting my mod_mono ASP.NET MVC application to Ruby and Rails and setting up Phusion Passenger up to run the application under mono, I finally figured out how to fix the leaking semaphore issue. The real title of this post should probably be "PEBKAC or Don't assume errors are unrelated, you idiot".

Recap of the problem

The problem manifests itself as a build up of semaphore arrays by the apache process, which is visible via ipcs. When the site is first started the output looks like this:

[root@host ~]# ipcs

------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status
0x01014009 1671168    root       600        52828      48
0x0101400a 1703937    root       600        52828      25
0x0101400c 1736706    root       600        52828      35

------ Semaphore Arrays --------
key        semid      owner      perms      nsems
0x00000000 10616832   apache     600        1
0x00000000 10649601   apache     600        1
0x00000000 10682370   apache     600        1
0x00000000 10715139   apache     600        1

------ Message Queues --------
key        msqid      owner      perms      used-bytes   messages

Eventually it'll look like this:

[root@host ~]# ipcs

------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status
0x01014009 1671168    root       600        52828      48
0x0101400a 1703937    root       600        52828      25
0x0101400c 1736706    root       600        52828      35

------ Semaphore Arrays --------
key        semid      owner      perms      nsems
0x00000000 10616832   apache     600        1
0x00000000 10649601   apache     600        1
0x00000000 10682370   apache     600        1
lots more
0x00000000 11141158   apache     600        1
0x00000000 11173927   apache     600        1
0x00000000 11206696   apache     600        1

------ Message Queues --------
key        msqid      owner      perms      used-bytes   messages

At some point all ASP.NET pages will return blank pages. No errors, no nothing, .NET logging reports normal behavior, but no content is sent. And you can restart the mono processes and apache all you want, it won't come back. Sorry.

What's really wrong

Since day one i'd been receiving warnings at apache startup up, but since i didn't understand what they meant and things seemed to be working, i had been ignoring the,. Of course, that was a lie on its face. Things were clearly not working, with the leaking semaphores, but I conveniently filed the two issues as unrelated in my head and ignored them at my peril. The warning was this:

[Mon Jan 24 00:12:50 2011] [crit] The unix daemon module not initialized yet.
Please make sure that your mod_mono module is loaded after the User/Group
directives have been parsed. Not initializing the dashboard.

This warning was repeated for as many times as I had ASP.NET vhosts defined. I looked at my vhost configurations and saw nothing about users and groups and thought it was some weird mono issue and left it at that. But the actual problem was not in the vhost configuration but in httpd.conf. The problem was this default section:

# Load config files from the config directory "/etc/httpd/conf.d".
Include conf.d/\*.conf

# If you wish httpd to run as a different user or group, you must run
# httpd as root initially and it will switch.
# User/Group: The name (or #number) of the user/group to run httpd as.
#  . On SCO (ODT 3) use "User nouser" and "Group nogroup".
#  . On HPUX you may not be able to use shared memory as nobody, and the
#    suggested workaround is to create a user www and use that user.
#  NOTE that some kernels refuse to setgid(Group) or semctl(IPC_SET)
#  when the value of (unsigned)Group is above 60000;
#  don't use Group #-1 on these systems!
User apache
Group apache

Obviously User and Group are set after all vhost configs are loaded. Pretty much exactly what the warning was saying (doh). I simply moved the Include below User/Group and since then I have not seen more than 9 semaphores and I've restarted mono, rebuilt the application and hit the app with ApacheBench, the combination of which used to drive semaphores up.

Since things are working now and ASP.NET MVC under mod_mono is significantly faster than the Rails port, I'm sticking with ASP.NET MVC for production right now, monitoring semaphores to make sure this really did fix the problem.